TDVAM 2023 Digital Art Show!

Submissions are open!

We are currently taking submissions from any youth 12-18 years old in Santa Cruz county who wishes to take part in our virtual art show. Submissions are accepted from February 7th to February 28th. Submission guidelines are available here.

Check back near the end of the month to see the gorgeous art!

Soquel High Gallery

In February 2023, during the annual Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, our youth advocates visited Soquel High School with some of our evidence-based workshops on healthy relationships. Many of the teens gave us their permission to share their art with everyone.

You can also visit our education page for more information on bringing speakers, panelists, or workshops into your own space, visit our Services for Children & Youth section for more information on teen groups and advocacy, or our Early Education Center’s page for early childhood education and support.

Thank you to the teachers who offered this opportunity
& the artists who made it happen!


All works and names below are presented with consent from the artist and remain under the artist’s ownership. If you are the artist in question and would like to have us edit or remove your work from this gallery at any time, please contact the community engagement coordinator at and they’ll be happy to do so.